THE INTERVIEW: ALKA12™ - The Newest Topical Magnesium For Endurance Athletes - Arizona, USA

Antoine Thomas is the Founder of ALKA12™. In 2012, always on-the-go for work, over-weight, and tired, he pushed himself towards better wellness and started running is first kilometers in the amazing country parks of Hong Kong, where he was then living and working. Racing actively, energetic, hard working, vigorously pushing his limits, but consistently battling sports injuries, Antoine set off on a mission to revolutionize the world of endurance sport recovery and performance with the creation of ALKA12, a game-changing topical magnesium gel specifically designed for athletes.

Tell us about ALKA12.

What is it and why should endurance athletes care?

ALKA12 is the pioneer of 100% natural, ultra-pure and highly concentrated magnesium topical lotions for direct application to the skin, intelligent absorption and fast action. A real instant energy booster and ultra-fast recovery. ALKA12 optimizes your athletic performance through topical application of magnesium chloride mixed with electrolytes and organic aromatherapy.

First, you should know that magnesium is one of the most important minerals in sports nutrition. Active people and athletes quickly deplete their magnesium reserve and supplementation has become unavoidable because 1) the magnesium you lose in sweat not replenished by normal electrolyte replacement drinks, but more importantly , 2) this mineral has become difficult to find in our diet. To date, we know from science that 75% of the population is deficient in magnesium. Supporting our immune system has become a priority like never before, so whether you're a sports enthusiast or an elite athlete, everyone should care. Because without magnesium supplement, we cannot win.

Second, for athletes, ALKA12 Magnesium lotions helps to maintain proper oxygenation of muscle tissue, feedingmuscles with energy, relieving pain, reducing cramps and joint inflammation. It helps muscles recover faster naturally, which reduces pain, aches and stiffness. Because of this, athletes can push harder and train more often. A powerful tool for optimal recovery but above all us great for injury prevention.

What is the advantage of topical magnesium over oral magnesium or another method of supplementation?

Before answering the question, we need to understand the ratio of magnesium in our body. You should know that 50% of magnesium is found in the body structure such as muscles, bones, teeth, organic tissues, etc. The remaining 50% is found in fluids. 49% is available in the cells of the body and 1% in the blood serum (magnesium is therefore an invisible deficiency because it cannot be measured from a blood test).

ALKA12 works at the cellular level. Thus, when applying the lotion to your skin, the magnesium ions will immediately find their way into your cells within 20 minutes, instantly supplying your muscles with oxygen and energy, and will also act on the problematic area in the event of an injury.

That said, our pilot studies and other recent European and American studies have shown that magnesium topical absorption is 5 times more effective than oral supplements. Some tablets and capsules, which are not in the purest form of magnesium, are not fully and completely assimilated by the body. Finally, many side effects are due to the oral absorption of magnesium: high doses create diarrhea, laxative effects, intestinal and renal symptoms and to name only the most frequent.

Topical magnesium has been scientifically guaranteed to replace magnesium lost through sweating and the accelerated metabolism of strenuous activity faster than any digestive form. Oral Magnesium passes through the stomach where it is diluted by gastric acid, or by digestive enzymes drastically reducing their effectiveness. So, oral magnesium offers little to athletes, but topical application opens up an entirely new world for athletes. Learn more about our pilot studies: topical magnesium vs oral magnesium

We hear of so many miracle endurance supplements.

What science supports the benefits of ALKA12?

When we launched ALKA12 in 2017, topical magnesium was really unknown to athlete, and few studies were available in this area of sports supplementation, which is controlled by pharmaceuticals, promoting their pills and protecting their patents. Our research took us to Europe, where the purest source of magnesium chloride is found on earth, and to the Institute of Magnesium And Health.

Regarding ALKA12™ products, they optimize your sports performance thanks to a transdermal application of the most important electrolytes from the ocean such as magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium, and its formula contains the highest concentration of magnesium chloride reached by science and which we have developed in our laboratory in France. That said, we chose magnesium chloride because scientifically speaking, it is the most superior form of magnesium of all and it is the only magnesium that is 100% ionized. This means that there is an electric charge. In addition, it is the form of magnesium that the human body uses and You should know that the magnesium ions in seawater are the same magnesium ions that we have in our blood. As a result, ALKA12™ lotions are instantly absorbed by the skin and completely assimilated by the body and the cells. In addition, the origin of our magnesium comes from a natural deep sea natural source located at -3000m and which has been protected from pollutants of human origin, this guaranteeing its quality and unique purity. Located in the North of France, this layer of magnesium comes from a sea which dried up about 250 million years ago and which extends over all of northern Europe.

Since its launch, ALKA12 has worked closely with physiotherapists and has received great support from doctors - French and Americans - specializing in sports clinics and you can learn more on this ALKA12 link and the opinions of experts in sports medicine.

How should endurance athletes use ALKA12?

What benefits can they expect?

ALKA12 magnesium lotions play a fundamental role in optimal muscle contraction, energy production, oxygen uptake, electrolyte balance, flexibility and skeletal strength. This in turn improves sleep and promotes good hydration, two fundamental elements for a proper recovery process.

Athletes using ALKA12 experience optimal Energy x Power x Recovery, resulting athletic performance. More importantly it is an unbeatable tool for injury prevention. Some athletes might be surprised at what they can do with ALKA12. He also advertises that magnesium is a "smart" mineral, so when applied in the morning, athletes would get a great boost of energy. If applied at night, it will help to sleep better and relax the muscles. Many professional athletes use magnesium gel which offers a double effect. You can apply it where you need it, but you can also put the bottle in the fridge. The cooling effect revitalizes and rehydrates muscles at high speed (especially in the summer) and helps heal serious sports injuries faster. ALKA12 is an incredibly powerful tool that the athlete must have in their arsenal and a must-have for anyone who wants to achieve peak performance and become unbreakable on race day.

Learn more about the Ultra Trail runner and ironman experience: Live the experience


>>>> During the training phase, you can apply ALKA12 at least 4 to 5 times a week and especially in the evening in order to maximize your recovery, and to be able to resume your training the next day without pain.

>>>> 8 days before the competition, apply every day morning and evening. You will gain enough power, an optimal energy level and sufficient oxygenation in your muscles. 3 days before the race, stop your efforts and revitalize your body and your mind in peace. Focus on yoga, meditation and breathing. Continue your magnesium therapy from head to toe and put a good layer on the top of your head to fuel your brain. D-Day on the starting line, well You just have to let go of the machine….

>>>> After the race, apply twice a day and for 2-3 days for optimal recovery, regain your energy level and thus resume your training without pain.

We always recommend everyone to listen to their body and apply as much time as you want (but no more than twice a day). There is no risk of overuse or side effects. Find out more: Instructions for Use